The OpenFunction TOC Officially Established!

In recent days, OpenFunction has officially become a sandbox project of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), opening a new chapter of the open-source project that is 100% powered by the community. To better support project development and maintain project neutrality, we have established the OpenFunction Technical Oversight Committee (TOC). With the primary objective of overseeing the technical vision of OpenFunction, the OpenFunction Steering Committee established the TOC. The technical vision of the project identifies technical orientation, technology roadmapping, architecture design, management, and promotion.

The TOC expects to hold biweekly meetings on Tuesday afternoon after the community meetings of OpenFunction. The meetings notes are accessible to all. We appreciate the open conversation and proposals all around.


The TOC works as a technical gatekeeper for the project and provides overall technical guidelines for special interest groups (SIGs) and working groups. Specifically, the TOC assumes the following roles:

  • Determine the overall technical orientation and design of the project.
  • Create a roadmap for the project.
  • Approve the creation and dissolution of SIGs and elect SIG leaders.
  • Approve the management operations on GitHub repositories related to the project, for example, the operations to create or delete repositories.
  • Resolve issues raised by SIGs and working groups.


The following table lists the members of the TOC in alphabetical order.

MemberCompanyGitHub IDJoin Date
Benjamin HuoQingCloud@benjaminhuoSince the project was initiated
Geff ZhangWeyhd@geffzhang2022-06-06
Haili ZhangUISEE@webup2022-06-06
Lize CaiSAP@lizzcai2022-06-06
Tian FangStreamNative@tpiperatgod2022-06-06
Wanjun LeiQingCloud@wanjunlei2022-06-06
Wei ZhangBoban Data@arugal2022-06-06