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EventBus Specifications

Learn about EventBus Specifications.

1 - EventBus Specifications

EventBus Specifications.

This document describes the specifications of the EventBus (ClusterEventBus) CRD.

EventBus (ClusterEventBus)

kind stringEventBus(ClusterEventBus)
metadata v1.ObjectMeta(Optional) Refer to v1.ObjectMeta
spec EventBusSpecRefer to EventBusSpec
status EventBusStatusStatus of EventBus(ClusterEventBus)


Belong to EventBus.

topic stringThe topic name of the event bus.
natsStreaming NatsStreamingSpecDefinition of the Nats Streaming event bus (currently only supported). See NatsStreamingSpec.


Belong to scaleOption.

pollingInterval intThe interval to check each trigger on. It defaults to 30 seconds.
cooldownPeriod intThe period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0. It defaults to 300 seconds.
minReplicaCount intMinimum number of replicas which KEDA will scale the resource down to. It defaults to 0.
maxReplicaCount intThis setting is passed to the HPA definition that KEDA will create for a given resource.
advanced kedav1alpha1.AdvancedConfigSee KEDA documentation.
metadata map[string]stringKEDA trigger’s metadata.
authRef kedav1alpha1.ScaledObjectAuthRefEvery parameter you define in TriggerAuthentication definition does not need to be included in the metadata of the trigger for your ScaledObject definition. To reference a TriggerAuthentication from a ScaledObject, add the authRef to the trigger. Refer to KEDA documentation.

2 - NATS Streaming

Event bus specifications of NATS Streaming.


Belong to EventBusSpec.

natsURL stringNATS server address, for example, nats://localhost:4222.
natsStreamingClusterID stringNATS cluster ID, for example, stan.
subscriptionType stringSubscriber type, value options: topic, queue.
ackWaitTime string(Optional) Refer to Acknowledgements , for example, 300ms.
maxInFlight int64(Optional) Refer to Max In Flight , for example, 25.
durableSubscriptionName string(Optional) The name of the persistent subscriber. For example, my-durable.
deliverNew bool(Optional) Subscriber options (only one can be used). Whether to send only new messages. Value options: true, false.
startAtSequence int64(Optional) Subscriber options (only one can be used). Set the starting sequence position and status. For example, 100000.
startWithLastReceived bool(Optional) Subscriber options (only one can be used). Whether to set the start position to the latest news place. Value options: true, false.
deliverAll bool(Optional) Subscriber options (only one can be used). Whether to send all available messages. Value options: true, false.
startAtTimeDelta string(Optional) Subscriber options (only one can be used). Use the difference form to set the desired start time position and state, for example, 10m, 23s.
startAtTime string(Optional) Subscriber options (only one can be used). Set the desired start time position and status using the marker value form. For example, Feb 3, 2013 at 7:54pm (PST).
startAtTimeFormat string(Optional) Must be used with startAtTime. Sets the format of the time. For example, Jan 2, 2006 at 3:04pm (MST).
scaleOption NatsStreamingScaleOption(Optional) Nats streaming’s scale configuration.


Belong to NatsStreamingSpec.

GenericScaleOptionGeneric scale configuration.
natsServerMonitoringEndpoint stringNats streaming’s monitoring endpoint.
queueGroup stringNats streaming’s queue group name.
durableName stringNats streaming’s durable name.
subject stringSubject under monitoring, for example, topicA, myTopic.
lagThreshold stringThreshold for triggering scaling, in this case is the Nats Streaming’s lag.